watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 27”x18”x4”. Eriu is an earth goddess, for whom Ireland was named.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 24”x17”x4”. Banba is a goddess who protects Ireland from invaders and dispenses magic.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 24”x18”x5”. Danu is universal mother, symbolizing water, wells, prosperity, magic, creativity, and wisdom.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 30”x12”x6”. Badb is a shape shifting warrior goddess symbolizing life/death and wisdom/inspiration.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 22”x14”x7”. The Triple Goddess signifies maiden/mother/crone. Her symbol is the waxing/full/waning moon.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 36”x14”x4”. Brighid is a goddess of fire and water, feminine arts and crafts, healing, poetry, inspiration and occult knowledge.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 31”x17”x5”. Morrigan is a goddess who is maiden, mother, and crone. She represents female energy, fertility, war and death.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 34”x20”x4”. Macha is goddess of war, life, death. Queen of phantoms.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 36”x18”x9”. Grain is a master herbalist, a sun goddess, representing knowledge, sun and fire magic.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 36”x19”x4”. Maeve is a goddess who personifies feminine power, associated with earth, fertility, sex, and war.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 32”x22”x4” Sheela na Gig is a goddess of regeneration, past and future lives.

watercolor sculpture, textile neckwear, 24”x24”x6”. Aife is goddess of the Isle of Shadow who commanded a legion of fierce horsewomen.